Cios Dvd Dumper V1 2 Download

Cios Dvd Dumper V1 2 Download

Like i said above, roughly 15-18 hours Doesnt matter, the FAT32 file system on usb only allows 4gb files max, and since 4gb drives arent really ever 4gb, usualy 3.7gb or 3.8gb, u can either get a 4gb usb and id do it is 2.2gb splits, then only two isos parts, or get an 8gb and do it in 3.8gb, still two but much less the second time. You can do either, but if ur going for the memory option ud be a fool not to rip through SD card, for usb, if ur prepared to wait over 10 hours. DVD Dumper v1.2 doesnt support SDHC, only the HBC does, and the same rule that i wrote about above applies, so SDHC arent going to make that much of a diff, just a minute or two saved from transerfering isos to computer, not alot of time saved in the long run. The wii by default doesnt contain SDHC updates so unless you wanna keep updating with the sysupdates and hope they release them, you alternative is do everything through the HBC as there is SDHC support for it. DVD Dumper v1.2 does not support SDHC tho, im not sure, but itll prob be in the next release if possible. Mine starts to download fine at approx 400kb/s.

But after about 5-10 minutes it comes up with 'ERROR: Could not listen for connections! (ret = -115) Press any button to restart.' ' I'm using my wifi connection with my laptop, after the 2nd error (all the same 115) i plugged in my wired connection to laptop and still the same happened. I'm not downloading anything else or even using my laptop at all and they are the only things connected to the router.:S Any help greatly appreciated Edit: Tried with USB, taking about 25 seconds per mb lol.

HOW TO USE : - Run the application with any method to load homebrew and configure the dump parameters. NOTES : - You need the Custom IOS (IOS249) to use this application! KUDOS : - Team Twiizers and devkitPRO devs for their great work in libogc. All the betatesters. Guide Info: This is a brief guide to document some information that has not been included with this application yet will be needed for use if you do not have online wii capabilities Lets say we want to dump mario galaxy to a 2 gig SD card To use the loader you just rename the DOL to Boot.dol make a folder in your sd card: apps/wii dvd dumper 1.2/boot.dol start up the wii DVD Dumper in the homebrew will ask you a few questions What DVD Dump Mode SD what DVD Dump Device:Wii SD slot DVD disc: Type: GC or wii single layer or double layer?

In this case Wii Single Layer Disc is what i will choose for mario galaxy. DVD split Size: 1024mb peices this depends on the SD card you use.I use a sandisk 2 gig sd in fat16 (plain FAT) format.

Cios Dvd Dumper V1 2 Download Mac

Go ahead and dump the first peace when it is done you will find the first peace Part1.iso on your SD card.drag it out and stick it in your C: drive for now.then repeat the dump unill you got 5 peaces. First put all the files into one directory (this is important you will need to guide the command line to these parts later on so remember the directory) we will use C:/ for this example seems i have all my file peaces i dumped in the C drive. (i put each peace after it dumps into the c drive then put in the sd and start the next peace until i have all 5. OK NOW WHAT?! I made a backup of one of my games it takes more than 5 hours, with the sd method. I have 5 archives, four of 1GB, and one of 375MB, like this: part1.iso (1GB) part2.iso (1GB) part3.iso (1GB) part4.iso (1GB) part5.iso (375MB) This is the question: How can i make one iso file from those 5 files?

Cios Dvd Dumper V1 2 DownloadDownload

Answer: step 1: Go to the start menu and click the start tab.then choose RUN on the right. Type in the box.CMD Step 2: In the CMD window type CD C: hit enter. I use c; because my file parts are in C.if you have them in another directory like say c: isodump then you would just replace C: with that. So you would type CD c: isodump so: what this means in a dos command is: Change Directory(then a space)nameofdirectory files are in hense why i will use CD c: Step 3: Now that your CMD line is in the right directory! Type: copy /b part1.iso + part2.iso + part3.iso + part4.iso + part5.iso galaxy.iso Step 4: You will note that now you have a single ISO file in the working directory! Congrats you just dumped your wii game!

Do what ever you will with your legal backup from using it with the new loader to just burning it to a dvd with IMGburn for archiving sakes.