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Full text of ' P.O. Box 85518 Lincoln, NE CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED January 28, 2005 Volume 27 Number 04 Products, News & Information Data Centers Can Trust. Since 1979 The Birth Of The Corporate Cell Phone ^ Converged Device Makers Have The Business User In Mind by Ericka Chickowski Cell phones have aided eager business- people for decades. Since the gargantuan brick phones of yesteryear, these machines have allowed the business world to become a 24/7 environment. But much of this pro- gression was done privately.

In general, business people bought their own phones individually and wrote it off on their taxes. And when phones were purchased at the corporate level, they were usually run-of- the-mill mobile phones. There were few special functions designed for the corporate user, and the phones were rarely considered an IT asset. But all of this is changing now.

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As IT mobile technology and cell phone technology continue to converge, phone manufacturers and application developers are beginning to understand the incredible opportunity to sell directly to the business community. These vendors are finally starting to sell phone devices specifically geared toward enterprises for use in the network. Go to Page 7, Column 1 The Data Center' s Cool Factor The Right Mix Of Engineering & Design Is Required To Keep Heat Loads In Check by Bruce Gain Dealing with data center heat issues to prevent your servers from crashing and ensuing data loss remains one of the more nagging issues that IT admins face. But while processors, power supplies, and other server room compo- nents are unlikely to get cool- er anytime in the near future, appropriate steps can be taken for protection.

During the past few years, processors have gotten smaller and more powerful as chipmak- ers have managed to shrink die sizes to pack more circuitry and power per chip. More powerful processors packed into dens- er small form factor servers have compounded the problem. 'About three years ago, people started worrying about the prob- lem after IT manufacturers began to put out higher-density, higher-heat equipment,' says Jim Fink, a data center cooling expert for APC. 'People then began to have servers that were shutting down on high-tempera- ture alarms; there was loss of data and other problems attrib- uted to high temperatures.' In addition to the denser servers, myriad components in data centers now drive up ther- mal values.

'Everything factors in, from your ring controllers, motherboards expansion boards, fiber optics connections, and power supplies to the backup Go to Page 8, Column 1 During the past few years, processors have gotten smaller and more powerful as chipmakers have managed to shrink die sizes to pack more circuitry and power per chip. In This ISSUE COVER FOCUS Mobile Convergence Some things are just better together: peanut butter and chocolate, power protection and servers, PDAs and cell phones.

Or at least that's been the mantra of most major cell phone manufacturers during the past year. Here's what's happening in the mobile convergence arena. The Birth Of The Corporate Cell Phone 1 These Palmtops Have Power 6 High-Speed Cellular Access 9 Cellular Modems Bolster Wireless Options 10 What's Next For Mobile & Cellular? 11 TECH & TRENDS Managing High Heat Loads 1 1 Dealing with data center heat issues to prevent your servers from crashing remains one of the more nag- ging issues that IT admins face. Tips For Creating An RFP 26 The RFP process is a good tool for assessing your business needs and making sure the technology you select is the right one for meeting those needs. What Makes You Fret 27 Many data center and IT managers fret about whether they're doing enough and what chal- lenges might be around the corner. Outsourced Mail Services 31 Outsourcing email may be an idea whose time has come, at least for certain companies.

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Service Contract Tips 32 Spending the time and money to construct a com- prehensive document can greatly reduce the mar- gin of error in service agreements. NEW PRODUCTS Cisco FE 511 File Engine Series 13 Skybox Security View 2.0 14 Allume Systems SpamCatcher 4.0 15 AT&T New VoIP & VPN Features 16 Sun Ray 170 & Sun Ray Server Software 3.0 17 Product Releases 1 13 ■ Alchemy Lab released the latest version of its network monitoring tool, Alchemy Eye 6.5. ■ Chatsworth introduced the FastTrac Cable Tray, designed for overhead horizontal cable distribution. ■ DoubleSight Displays introduced its new dual- screen DS-1700 and DS-1900 LCDs. ■ Emerson released the Liebert MP Advanced Power Strips.

■ McAfee's SiteDigger 2.0 helps companies deter- mine the extent of their information available on the Internet. ■ Microsoft announced Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration 3.0 for SMBs. ■ Westell is targeting its new TriLink Gateway at small businesses. EACH WEEK Upcoming IT Events 33 What's Next 33 What's Happening 33 Marketplace News 2 Product Releases 13 MarketWatch 18 Opinions 21,22,23 The home page is updated each week with new articles and hardware news to help you keep current. Visit today. Page 2 January 28, 2005.

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Subscriptions: (800) 334-7445 Subscriptions Local: (402) 479-2170 Subscriptions Fax: (402) 479-2123 Mail Form To: PO Box 85518, Lincoln, NE Overnight Delivery: 120 West Harvest Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 kinuniumsNEWS m tai - V 7 ■ ■ Investors drove down the markets in the week ended Jan. 19, despite some good news about low unemployment. Rising interest rates, lackluster cor- porate profits, and inflation held the markets down. The inflation fears were revived by a rise in consumer prices, prompted by high fuel prices. The Dow closed at 10539.17, down from 10617.78 a week earlier. The Nasdaq closed at 2073.59, down from 2092.53 a week earlier. I PC Sales Brisk In Fourth Quarter Worldwide shipments of PCs grew 13.7% in the fourth quarter because of demand from small and medium-sized busi- nesses and holiday shoppers, according to International Data Corp.

A report released by Gartner, however, said quarterly growth was 11%. IDC said it was the seventh quar- ter of consecutive double-digit unit growth for PCs. For 2004, growth amounted to 14.7%, IDC said, while Gartner said growth was 11.8%. Dell widened its lead over No. 2 HP by posting 21% growth in the fourth quarter, compared to 9% for HP.

HP typi- cally gains the top sales spot in the fourth quarter because of its emphasis on retail sales, but HP focused more on profitability than market share. I eBay Misses Earnings For First Time In Years eBay missed Wall Street estimates for its fourth fiscal quarter, marking the first time in three years that the auction company didn't hit its financial targets.

Internet stocks fell as a result on Jan. The company reported net profit rose 44% to $205.4 million, or 30 cents a share. Excluding one-time items, the profit was 33 cents a share, a penny shy of expecta- tions. Analysts said that investors were accus- tomed to eBay blowing past estimates. Posts Strong Profits Yahoo! Posted strong fourth-quarter prof- its thanks to good ad sales and a windfall from an investment. The company said it plans to extend its broadband presence in 2005 and continue acquiring international Web sites.

Reported net income of $373 million, or 25 cents a share, including a $185 million windfall from sales of shares in Google. Drew 119 million unique visitors to its sites in December. Revenues at the company climbed 62% to $1,078 billion.

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I Oracle Lays Off 5,000 Oracle said it was laying off 5,000 of 12,000 newly acquired PeopleSoft employ- ees as a cost-cutting measure. Some Oracle employees will lose their jobs, but the bulk of the layoffs will be among PeopleSoft' s headquarters staff in Pleasanton, Calif. But CEO Larry Ellison pledged to support PeopleSoft' s product roadmap and keep its customers happy with new versions of exist- ing products. Ellison's 'Project Fusion' pro- posed to meld PeopleSoft' s products with Oracle's, and he pledged to keep mainte- nance fees at or below PeopleSoft' s current rates. By doing so, Ellison boasted he could keep 95% of PeopleSoft' s customers. Oracle paid $10.3 billion for PeopleSoft.

I Intel Launches Wave Of Sonoma Products Intel launched its Sonoma mobile chipset initiative as the follow-up to its highly suc- cessful Centrino mobile chipset technology. The company said that more than 80 new laptop computers will use the Sonoma tech- nology, which consists of a new mobile microprocessor, wireless networking chips, and PC chipset. By midsummer, Intel said that more than 150 laptops would use the new version of Centrino. I AMD Announces Surprise Loss Advanced Micro Devices said its com- puter microprocessor business turned in solid results in the fourth quarter, but CEO Hector Ruiz said that it was a 'freaking dis- mal' quarter for flash memory chip sales due to a price war with Intel. AMD reported a $30 million loss for the quarter, including a $49 million payment for debt restructuring.

Analysts said they were worried about whether AMD can make its flash business consistently profitable and if it can keep up its capital spending in light of a growing debt problem. AMD said it would evaluate whether it might have to pursue other strate- gies to maximize shareholder return in the flash memory business. The performance was a disappointing end to a year in which AMD had rare advantages over Intel. I SAP Tries To Grab Spotlight From Oracle On the heels of Oracle's purchase of PeopleSoft, market leader SAP tried to grab the spotlight in the business software mar- ket by announcing lower maintenance fees for corporate clients and the acquisition of a company consisting of ex-PeopleSoft employees. SAP said it had acquired TomorrowNow, a private company formed by former PeopleSoft employees in 1998.

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It also unveiled its 'safe passage' program aimed at more than 2,000 corporations that use SAP and PeopleSoft products. I Symantec Posts Healthy Earnings Symantec posted a 38% rise in quarter profit on strong sales of its security software.

The company said that customers worried about Internet viruses and security drove rev- enue up 41% to $695 million in the quarter. Symantec posted net income of $164 million, up from $111 million a year earlier. It also forecast good growth for the first quarter. I Patent Reform Bid Fails With High Court Google and Cisco Systems were disap- pointed in their efforts to reform the patent system when the U.S.

Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal on a case involv- ing the drive shafts of automobiles. In a legal brief, the companies said they wanted a patent system with a reasonable balance among inventors, users, and follow-on improvers. The companies had filed a brief in the obscure car patent dispute in hopes the high court would declare the patent sys- tem unworkable. WATCH THE STOCKS This information provides a quick glimpse of current and historical stock prices and trends for 15 major companies in the technology market. 1 Company Symbol Jan.