Fuel Pump Driver Module Symptoms


We have been having problems with my wifes 05 Focus ZX4 and I can't seem to figure it out. Here is what is going on. A couple weeks ago Steph said that her car was starting kinda hard. So I went out to start it as soon as she got home and it started just fine and normal.

The next morning I went out and started the car for her before work and the fuel pump made a loud growling sound, almost reminded me like a bearing going out or something, it took about 10 seconds of cranking but the car started. After it ran for a couple minutes I shut it off and restarted it, the pump sounded normal and the car started fine.

Faulty Fuel Pump Driver Module Symptoms

Over the next week or so I have realized that if the car only sits for 1-2 hrs or less, the pump and starting it totally normal. But if it sits more than 2 hrs the pump growls and you have to crank on it for 10-15 secs before it will start. Once the car is running it runs like a top!

So I was thinking that the fuel pump was going out. Last weekend a buddy and I dropped the tank and replaced the fuel pump and strainers. And now I still have the same exact problem as before!! I usually like to do most of my own wrenching, but this one has me and my friends kinda stumped. Would you have any idea what could be causing this?

A friend said possibly the fuel pump driver module, is that maybe it? He also thought that the car would have to be be reprogrammed if a new FPDM is install, is this true or is it just plug and play? Any help would GREAT!

If you have a Ford expedition, and you are pressing on the gas, and are cranking, but unable to start, if you have ruled out the issue to be battery related, it is probable a bad Fuel Pump driver Module. These are installed in the rear of the truck, usually by the spare tire. They are prone to corrosion and rust, and may short out. You may also want to check the relay for a burnt fuse, because the Fuel Pump Drive Module has its own fuse that may blow.

If you check the owners manual for the correct fuse, and pull it, and if it is blown, than it is 100% not the fuel pump problem, but the Driver module. If you take the truck to the mechanic then they will not be able to diagnose this and may end up replacing your fuel pump because they think that is the problem. It is a pretty cheap fix at the Ford Repair, all things considered.

The total was $300.00 installed, and on the road in 3 hrs. Hi guys, I haven't fixed the issue yet, but I'm glad I came across this thread. So, the other day I decided to go have a look at my F150 that's been parked at my sisters for the winter; trying to figure out the power loss of my engine and fuel hogging.

Ford Fuel Pump Driver Module

My brother in law says 'oh by the way, your fuel issue'.???? He went over to Tims for a coffee and a group of guys were talking bout their Fords. This one guys has same issue as mine, loss engine power and burning to much fuel; he changed the FPDM and pouff, issue resolved. So obviously I'm rushed curious, check top of spare tire. There it is, half of the chips housing gone. The chip looks fine but should be replaced ASAP.


Most symptoms of a bad FPDM shoots a code and has stall/no start issue, but you never know. I'm ordering the part in a few days, will keep posted.