Our World Fallen Flame Zip Up Hoodies


This Foundation Belongs To The Wildland Firefighters. This Is Their Foundation.

What’s A Wildland Firefighter Wildland firefighters — our community — are our rugged firefighters of the mountains, forests, plains and wilderness areas of the West and of the pine barrens, deciduous forests, swamps, piney woods and prairies of the East, South and Midwest. While many are seasonal, a large number have permanent wildland firefighting jobs. Fire season peaks at differing times in different parts of the USA. Firefighters from across the nation come southwest, in spring; then west, then northwest when it’s burning here in the summer. The East gets fires when the leaves fall from the trees.

As they come to fight wildfire, many firefighters are far from family, hearth and home for weeks and months on end. These firefighters are highly trained men and women, younger and older who love being in the outdoors, working in the natural environment and sleeping under stars often obscured by smoke. Well, some of the older ones could use a softer bed in a smoke free environment, and some really hate snakes and poison oak!

Regardless, they have the feel of the Old West about them, the rawness, the problem-solving, the flexibility, the enjoyment of facing problems that may not have clear-cut solutions on fires that are not predictable. They enjoy the excitement created by the flames, the sense of purpose and helping, but know they’re dealing with Nature, capricious at best, and a killer at worst. While their specialized training is primarily focused on wildfire, they are often called upon to protect and save structures where the wildland meets communities.

Sometimes, when they hook small fires on initial attack, they feel like the “sprinters” of the firefighting world. But more often, they’re like the “marathoners” and “ultra-runners” as fire season heats up and large fires burn in a number of places over an extended period. What They Do Wildland firefighters are groundpounders, hotshots, engine crew, helitack, smoke jumpers, airtanker and helicopter pilots and support personnel, dozer operators, water tender operators; and in firecamp, those who keep records and manage ops and planning, logistics and finance, those who oversee safety, critically assess risk at a systems and incident level, provide info to the public, and incident commanders (the “generals”) that have worked their way up through the ranks. They are a diverse, yet united, interagency firefighting force of federal, state & local wildland firefighters, private sector wildland firefighters, and volunteers. Increasingly these wildland firefighters are called up by the nation to fill ALL RISK roles, dealing with hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, shuttle crashes and potential terrorist attack, in addition to firefighting.

As the population grows, many communities are expanding into the fire prone interface. While their specialized training and mission are primarily fighting wildfire, some wildland firefighters fill more traditional structure firefighting roles as they increasingly respond to requests for assistance on vehicle accidents and structure fires. Why They Need Us Wildland Firefighters families do not receive any benefits after a fatality for up to 3 months. Their foundation steps in to support those families immediate financial needs. The WFF also offers long term grief recovery for families of fallen and support our injured wildland firefighters who only receive 60% of their base pay after an injury.

They also lose their overtime and don’t always have a way to support their families. Unfortunately, dealing with OWCP is not an easy task and the Foundation can sometimes assist if it is a line of duty as long as it is within our mission. The Foundation can often fly family members to the bedside of the injured, who are often states away from where they live.

We also work with long term trauma effects on the firefighters and their families who are exposed to horrific incidents when a firefighter is killed or seriously injured while fighting fires in remote areas. Fire is not a hundred percent predictable, therefore it is not a hundred percent preventable and as long as we engage fire there will be injuries and fatalities.Chris Fogle Guide Star Profile.

Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 The King White Embroidery #15243 $64.95 SOLD OUT XX-Large The King This Club Chaos Hoodie glorifies the 60s when one man dominated the world of music. His long sideburns and pompadour hair style and gyrating hips set the tone. Long Live Rock and Roll proclaims this iconic hoodie. It stirs memories of the biggest star of all times who became a legend in his day. This sideburned skull hoodie represent an entertainment giant who some say is the King of Rock and Roll. He spend the last years of his young life attempting to recapture his fame while living an opulent and excessive lifestyle. But his days were numbered as he became a victim of his own success. Ironically, the King met his end on the throne. Not on one made of jewels and gold, but instead a toilet seat from which he fell, the victim of a stroke, caused by the excesses of drugs and fast living. One World Government #15260 $59.95 One World Government Is there a plot calling for complete world domination under the flag of the United Nations? Does that world body intend to impose its will and dominance over the entire world with a stifling totalitarian government that will control all phases of our lives, public and private?There is plenty of evidence that this movement is well underway.

It is financed and coordinated by a shadowy group of wealthy and powerful individuals and high ranking politicians. Bribery, deceit and outright lies are tools they use to maintain control and grow their power.The names and faces you see splashed across the headlines are the people behind the New One World Government if we allow them to continue.

Wear this Hoodie to make others aware of the dangers that lie ahead. Help Club Chaos uncover the evil that threatens us all. Abandon All Hope Black Embroidery #15265 $64.95 ABANDON ALL HOPE This is feeling that overcomes a surprising number of our friends, neighbors and our closest relatives. It is a desperate feeling of hopelessness that eats away at a person's soul and often deprives him of his will to survive.

These are the desperately depressed who seek relief from alcohol, drugs and violence. You can often spot them in a crowd as they make their way through life disheveled and without concern for their appearance. They need help but usually refuse to seek it. If you know who they are, you could help before an endless circle of helplessness takes away their desire to continue on their life path. Reach out and offer a helping hand to those who have abandoned hope. Quite often you won't have to reach very far.

That person could be part of your everyday life right now, having abandoned all hope, quietly living invisibly alongside you. One Last Chance Gold Embroidery #15271 $64.95 SOLD OUT Small Medium XX-Large One Last Chance As the wheels of time grind down the hours, minutes and seconds of our time on earth, we can look at our lives and make the changes and adjustments required to fulfill our destiny. What the future will bring depends on how we set our course and adjust our inner clock mechanism.

If we play our cards right, we can usually count on one last chance. If we don’t try, we can lose that last chance. Club Chaos believes that life is a gamble but there are ways to improve your odds. Go for it. Off The Chain White Embroidery #15275 $64.95 OFF THE CHAIN - WATCH YOUR BACK No Chains means freedom.

Are we really free to live our lives as we wish? That’s the way it should be, but evil men make the rules that allow them to take control and dominate the lives of the unfortunate masses. We must join together and reclaim our God given rights and freedoms. Wear the colors of this special Club Chaos Hoodie to remind all you come in contact with.

Be on guard and never allow government to seize more power than that which was granted by the Constitution. If you want to keep the chains off, watch your back people. Big brother is watching with shackles in his hands.

So heads up bros. Devil's Creek #15280 $59.95 DEVIL’S CREEK - SOUL ASSASSIN Devil’s Creek is the lonely creek in the backwoods where a poor lonely boy sits along its banks, anguished and dejected. He makes a mournful plea to no one in particular that says: “if you can’t have what you want, you learn to want what you have.”. How true these words are. These are the words that should stand forever as the basis of how we go about learning how to adapt to adversity.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting, if you learn from the experience. These are the thoughts that guided our fearless Chaos leader, Ken Miller through his early days and helped him become a success. Wear the Club Chaos Hoodie proudly brother.' Devil's Creek' by Propagandhi Gangland ® #15286 $59.95 Sold Out Small GANGLAND® This graphic hoodie provides a window into the activities of the criminal underworld where perpetrators hang and plan their next illegal venture. It's a world filled with vices and distractions that could lead us to a path of ruin and eternal damnation. All the illegal activities like prostitution, gambling, murder and the like are represented here. Judgement Day White Embroidery #15290 $64.95 Sold Out Small XX-Large Judgement Day What do you think awaits you when your life comes to an end?If you choose not to believe in a greater power and life after death, you have nothing to look forward to. It’s over, fini, caput adios. The light goes out and that’s it. On the other hand if you believe in an afterlife and in heaven and hell, you also believe in Judgement day. What do you think the verdict will be? Here comes the judge.

Say Your Prayers Silver Foil #15296 $69.95 Say Your Prayers Hoodie OK big shot. Your gig is up. You’re lying in the street, staring down the barrel of a shiny Glock. Your deal didn’t go down as planned - so lets face it homey, your time on earth is about to expire. So what do you do? Plead for your life? Spit in your adversary's face or make your peace with the Man.

In what seems like an eternity, thoughts rush through your mind. You remember the words to the prayers your mother taught you. You remember when you used to go to church every Sunday.

All the good times with family and your best friends play back in those seconds before he pulls the trigger. You think back to playing baseball in the streets and having a steady girl.and a job. But that was chump change. There were better ways to make money on the streets. But now as the light of day begins to rise, you decide if you would rather face the beast or head towards the light. You close your eyes and say your prayers.

That's what this hoodie is all about. Deliver Us From Evil Gold Foil #15298 $69.95 Do You Need Protection From The Evils of The Street? The Deliver Us From Evil” Hoodie Might Be What You Need This bold Hoodie’s inscription pleads: “Deliver Us From Evil.' The writing is dramatically festooned and scrawled across the Hoodie along with ornate liturgical and street symbols, somewhat reminiscent of Medieval times. The style and closely captures styles worn by ancient knights to protect them from the unknown evils that lurked in the shadows. Similar styles were worn by the evil knaves, the lurkers, who awaited an opportunity to destroy the forces of righteous knights who pursued them.

The chain and cross imprinted across the chest stands as a symbol of power and glory and as protection against the forces of evil that lie in wait on the streets and byways of the hood. The red and white patterns offers a bold contrast against the deep black coloration of the hoodie. The backside is the business side and represents the constant interaction of law and order and crime on the streets. The automatic pistol paired with handcuffs warns of the consequences that can befall the shooters. This Club CHAOS Hoodie is intended for the brave. Darkside Gold Foil #15300 $69.95 DARKSIDE - IN YOUR LIGHT, WE SEE LIGHT No matter the depth of our darkness and despair, there is hope, if we seek it. Help will come from above if we look hard enough.

When we see that tiny sliver of light we can emerge from that darkness. Because In His Light, We see light. So says the inspirational Club Chaos Hoodie. There is only one catch, you have to look for it. You can’t just continue down the path wandering aimlessly, wasting your talents and taking advantage of others. Leave the dark side. There's nothing there for you.

Everything worthwhile is in the bright side where the light shines. Look for the light and you will find the way to a better more complete life.

Jacked Up Silver Foil #15326 $69.95 Sold Out Large X-Large XX-Large Jacked Up Young Lions This Club Chaos Hoodie can take on many meanings in the vernacular of the street.Jacked Up can mean that someone is not functioning properly as in “He is all messed up.” It can also mean that a person is high on speed, coke or whatever. In prison parlay, it refers to an inmate who has been cut up with a prison made shiv.

And finally, it’s someone who is severely injured, mentally, physically or both. These are the darker meanings of being jacked up, but it could also mean something good, as in - getting a person to get off the drugs they’re on and do something positive with their life. That’s the meaning we’re looking for all you young lions. You know what to do to get out of your hell hole. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Just do it and take pride in what you do.

Lucky Life 777 Gold Foil & White Embroidery #15328 $69.95 Sold Out Small XX-Large ROLL DEM LUCKY BONES HOODIE Roll those lucky bones Gangster. Is this the day Lady Luck is on your side? Your lucky charm Hoodie from Club Chaos Clothing might be exactly what you need to get that hot streak going again. You need a streak of sevens, lotsa sevens bro. No craps, no boxcars. Just let the good time times roll and spill them sevens all over the crap table. Hear what I'm sayin'?

This gonna be your day, homeboy. Get your Hoodie on an get your hands on them ivories. Let Felicia blow her warm sweet breath all over them dice. Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

Mama needs a lot a stuff. Mama gonna want you when you come home with a stack of green. But remember bro, when you come home with nuthin in that wallet, mama gonna say goodbye and better luck next time whether you has a new Club Chaos Hoodie or not. Benjamins Green Embroidery #15330 $64.95 SOLD OUT All Sizes Benjamin Franklins, Power of Money As the face of Benjamin Franklin glares out on to the streets, his solemn face reminds us of the world’s greed. The bankers, stock brokers and big business honchos all worship “Benjamins.” aka $100 Bills. Does money corrupt?

Take note of the most recognizable, most abhorrent faces of greed in this country: the greedy politicians who control government and fatten their wallets and their fat asses in the process. Acquiring Benjamins at any cost is their goal, as they move about the world plundering, wasting, stealing and raping their way to even more riches.

Where are these people? They are everywhere. They have ingrained themselves into the fabric of our country.

Their motto is “To hell with the little people who struggle to survive.” They care not for the poor, oppressed and underprivileged. Their only concern is how many Benjamin Franklin's they can lay their hands on today and tomorrow and the next day. How many lives can they destroy? How many dreams can they shatter as they go about their ways to squeeze the less fortunate members of society until every last drop of blood and every last breath of hope are drained from them. Money, money, money cries Franklin - and the rich get richer without concern for the less fortunate. Can your Franklin Hoodie empower you to reclaim what was lost?

Can you now draw a line in the stand and tell the evil money grabbers, “enough is enough.”May the force of the CHAOS Benjamin Franklin Hoodie empower you on your quest to end the evil empire. You are the beginning of The New World Order. No Sacrifice Silver Foil #15332 $64.95 No Sacrifice Hoodie Some guys live life thinking only about themselves. They are their number one priority. The hell with everyone else.

As long as they get full benefit of anything they do, it's OK. That's a loser's way of looking at things. Their is a much better chance at success if you make s few personal sacrifices in your life. Share the glory.

Share the rewards - so more people can enjoy life. Guys who live life and never sacrifice usually come out on the short end of the bargain. Ultimately you will spend eternity paying for your 'no sacrifice' life style in the company of the horned beast. Make a choice now brothers. Badass Riders® #15334 $59.95 BADASS BIKER Put your hoodie on homey Ride Rough and Tough. Don’t let anyone call your bluff. Ride with the brothers who got your back.

Don’t let no one talk no smack. Cause you my man, are a badass biker you the man from the hood no one likes Hear what I’m sayin’. Keep Ridin’ with the brothers that take no flack Yeah - those are the brothers that you know are tough. Yeah, those are the bros who are rough and tough All of us are headin’ to the same old place: State prison or the poor man’s grave. It makes no difference which way we go We gotta get there to claim our place as long as we get there fast - not slow.

As long as we get there first - not last So brother biker, enjoy while it lasts. No one knows when you'll make your last pass. But when it happens You can be sure we’ll all be together to meet you in hell So always go to battle with the brothers you trust Wearin' the colors of Club Chaos.

Fear No One® #15336 $59.95 Fear No One® SAYS THIS EERIE STREET HOODIE Fear No One. And as the gory skeleton dances among the backdrop of flames from Hell itself, you can show the world that you are not afraid to confront the monster. As far as you are concerned, the bony evil apparition can dance until his bones turn into a pile of ash.With your Hoodie on, you are invincible.

You can relax and enjoy the picture of evil witgher and evaporate in the hot flame, a flame that you know how to escape. Because you Fear No Evil ever since you learned that one simple prayer, the one that flashes across the front of your incredible Evil Proof Hoodie. The prayer begins with: Our Father which. And ends in a pile of smoke and ashes where evil has been destroyed. Your Fear No Evil Hoodie will continue to serve as protection against the evil we all face. As long as you remember the words inscribed on your hoodie, you will be invincible. Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Hard Core #15338 $59.95 HARD CORE HOODIE OH YEAH!

One look at the ferocious skull says it all: 'Let this Club Chaos brother pass.' When you wear this Club Chaos hoodie you are in control.

No doubt about it. The menacing skull image on the face of the hoodie sends a message that’s hard to ignore. You come from gangland and you are no one to trifle with. Only a fool would be stupid enough to challenge you.

But you know that the world is filled with fools looking to make a reputation for themselves. Is this the day someone tries? Be on the alert. There is trouble brewing.

Are you ready? Is this the time you keep moving because the odds are not in your favor, even if you are hard core. You know what to do.

Follow your instincts and live to tell the story. There is world of difference between being a coward and being a fool. People like to follow smart people, not stupid dead ones.

Lords Of Chaos ® #15340 $59.95 Lordy Lordy, Ain’t Them Lords of Chaos Hoodies Sporty? They are more than Sporty brother. Lords of Chaos Hoodies send an unmistakable message. They might not be the perfect hoodie for a group of tree huggers or an ensemble of redneck, square dancers, nor a gaggle of vegans. To be honest, this daring hoodie designed by the creative geniuses at Club Chaos Clothing had something entirely different in mind when they designed this alternative fashion addition to our Wild Hoodie series. Incidentally, did you know that the translation of the Greek word Khaos, means ”Great Void”. So as far as we can tell, our European designer Luca may have had this meaning in mind when he named this Hoodie.

But the point is, if you and your group care to call yourselves the Lords of Chaos, feel free. Club Chaos is an equal opportunity Hoodie maker. We choose to take on and fill the “great void” as the translation implies. So Lords of Chaos, it may be the perfect name for this particular Hoodie - if it is worn in the great void of this country’s urban fashion scene. It’s the perfect name for a hoodies worn in alternative societies by hard driving bad ass leaders and members of those communities. If you and your wild bunch of riders are out to create that “gaping void” or create chaos of upheaval in society, this is the appropriate uniform. So get one - and kick ass.

Hold on to your Johnsons all you Lords and Lordesses of Chaos, This mind bending hoodie line will be on the shelves at www,clubchaos.com in September MMXIV. Ride Tough ® #15342 $59.95 RIDE TOUGH When Badass Bikers need a change of uniform, they will often slip into a hoodie with similar message. Ride Tough is a fine featured feather laden bag of lucky bones that can lead you safely down the road.

He's a good figure to follow down the highways. Traffic will give you plenty of leeway when they see your Ride Tough figure barreling down on them. Get your Tough Riding Hoodies on now bro and hit the road. Enjoy life with Mr. Bones on your back.

Flame hoodie

Welcome To Inferno Red Embroidery #153 44 $64.95 WELCOME TO THE INFERNO Is that what you are facing in the rat race of life? It is for many who have come up the hard way and have scratched their way to a better life.

Life may seem like a hellish experience but if you work at it, stay positive and keep your head screwed on straight, you can overcome those obstacles and escape the dreaded inferno before it consumes you. Head for the light brother and you will be saved. Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Rubber Side Down #15346 $59.95 SOLD OUT Small Rubber Side Down One of the most important rule of the biking community. Guys on bikes have a great sense of humor. Life on a bike comes with plenty of risk.While most riders are skilled at what they do, it’s always a good idea to remember the basics when cruising down the highways.

One thing that every biker knows and has learned from experience is that Motorcycles don'ts do well in a wheels up position. Not only don’t the bikes do very well, the riders that find themselves upside down don’t do very well either. So men and women of the road, unless you are a circus motorcycle act act or you know something the rest of don’t, keep the rubber side down and you’ll go places partner. Other than the emergency ward.

We don’t like to talk about the other option. Have fun wearing your Club Chaos Rubber Side Down hoodie and take the advice. Louder Than Before #15348 $59.95 SOLD OUT Small XX-Large Louder Than Before The louder the pipes, the better the bike, or so it would seem. The roar of a Harley without a muffler is the sound of music to an appreciative group of cycle fanatics. The goal of those with large engines and loud pipes is to engineer their pipes so they are even louder than before, as inscribed on this Club Chaos hoodie, made with gear heads in mind.Like other parts of a biker’s apparatus, it’s the level of the sound that matters, almost as much as size does.Zoom zoom down the highways, zoom zoom on the streets. Gun her hard at the stop lights and give the crowd a treat when you clutch ‘er and roar an extra bit. That’s half the fun of life on your motorcycle and it’s celebrated on this very cool.

Club Chaos Hoodie.While guys have fine sound systems in their cars, the and best sounds of a bike come through their straight pipes. It’s just a case of men being boys having fun with their toys. Royal Queen #15354 $59.95 Sold Out X-Large XX-Large The Royal Queen hoodie depicts the devils mistress who can lead us willingly through a life of sin and show us how to enjoy our fall without regard for our afterlife She is our worst fear and our worst nightmare on the worst night of the worst day of our life and when we follow her bloody footprints along the trail to hell she'll lead us back for one last fling smiling at her bad deeds and our foolishness. And when we take our last steps into the eternal fire, the Royal Queen turns to us and softly whispers “Gotcha” Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Sinister Soul Gold Embroidery # 153 56 $64.95 Sold Out X-Large XX-Large Sinister Soul You will be much better off if you avoid the guys and gals in your life who are inherent trouble makers. They are capable of bringing great harm to anyone they associate with. You can often pick them out in a crowd by their actions and by how they react to situations.

Flame Hoodie

They are the guys who you might be attracted to but they ate also the ones who are attracted to trouble. Hundreds of years ago, people who were left handed were thought to be evil. Sinister is derived from the Latin word for left. That old superstition is certainly not fair to all the wonderful left handed people in our lives, but it does warn us against those who truly are a bad influence, whether they are right or left handed. The best we can do is to avoid the people who we know to be confirmed trouble makers so that we don’t get involved in their evil ways. Heart Of Steel White Embroidery #15359 $64.95 HEART OF STEEL Within that framework we call a skeleton beats a heart of steel.

It provides a firm, strong steady beat that keeps the fire of life going in all who have the desire to live on. How you live and what path do you choose are entirely up to you. Eventually, as you walk the path of life, you will come to that fork in the trail. One path leads through level, well marked trail with no obstacles - to a clearing full of all the worldly pleasures that will last a month or two at the most. The other path is a roughly cleared, narrow pathway framed with dangers on either side. It's a longer path and much more difficult to maneuver. Ultimately that path leads to a everlasting paradise that will endure forever.

Which way will your heart of steel direct you? Crown The King #15360 $59.95 SOLD OUT XX-Large Crown the King: There’s only one crown - let the one king rule The brilliant full color images of Jesus and Mother Mary is a masterpiece. Mary holds in her hand the Sacred Heart of her son as a symbol of hope for mankind.

Our World Fallen Flame Zip Up Hoodies

Jesus invites all who have fallen or are lost in the mad world of evil to come to him and be saved. These images are as brilliant as any stain glass windows from many of the inspiring cathedrals in the world. They solemnly represent a place where you can take refuge, away from the evils of the world, a place filled with peace, understanding and light.

Could this be heaven that beckons? All signs point the way. The instructions are simple enough. “There is only one crown,” proclaims this magnificent hoodie. “Let the one King rule,” It all seems simple enough.

Accept Jesus and you will be saved. Can you buy into the program? Sounds easy enough. How long is the offer good for?

Valor Gold Foil #15363 $69.95 Sold Out Small Medium X-Large XX-Large VALOR Ne Desit Virtus or 'Let Valor Not Fail' exclaims the banner imprinted on this hoodie. Along with that motto is the Club Chaos crest - a skull and bones those symbols are the official crest of Club Chaos. The club stands behind teir belief that chaos will often result in good things. The point is that we should not stand still in the face of adversity.

As a country or as an individual, we can not allow those without virtue to control us. Be wary of politicians and wealthy groups and individuals who attempt to exert their influence on the masses. We must stand brave in the face of these threats and keep our country strong.

Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Devil Inside White Embroidery #15368 $64.95 Devil Inside An adaptation of the garb worn in the middle ages by the guardsmen of the faith, the Knights who protected the rulers from the lawless mobs that roamed the streets. The stud like cross is the main figure that dominates each hoodie along with the face of a half skeleton half human like being on the front placed there intended to scare the bejabbers out of any one who dares to approach. These hoodies were quite effective back in the day and will remain so today. After all, who wants to go through life be-jabber-less. No red blooded man in his right mind would. Skull Bones Gold Foil #15370 $69.95 Sold Out Small Large X-Large Skulls and Bones Hoodie The massive skull and bones on either side of this new Chaos Hoodie mark you as fearless in the face of danger. The bones also say that you and Lady Luck have a special attachment with one another.

You are the kind of guy who loves to test hour luck from time to time and take a chance at almost every opportunity. That's a trait a lot of Club Chaos guys have in common. So fair that luck seems to be holding up. Is that because of your Skulls and Bones Hoodie - or is just a coincidence? Do you dare not to wear it for a few days and see if your luck holds? It's your call.

Kenny would love to know how it all works out. Hallelujah #15372 $59.95 Small SOLD OUT XX-Large SOLD OUT Crown and Cross This unique pattern of Crowns and Crosses creates a dazzling, repetitive pattern of small golden yellow cross and crown images that repeat the theme. It’s actually a very dramatic look when applied to the hoodie’s dramatic midnight black background The pattern is an interesting change of pace that works well, as it instills enough chaos into the scene to make people wonder about the meaning of the message? What would you want it to be? The message is simply; buy it if you like it - and don‘t buy it if you don’t. Area 51 Silver Embroidery Gold Foil #15374 $69.95 BEWARE OF DECEPTION The truth is stranger than fiction. Liars on your right side, liars on the left, cheaters in front of you, hackers on the internet, corruption in government, greed in business circles, these all serve as good reasons to wear a Beware of Deception hoodie.

We should all do our best to protect one another from the masters of Deception. It is absolutely amazing to witness all the time, energy and brain power used to deceive people and separate them from their hard and honestly earned cash. Take care and watch one another's back.

Protect ourselves and others against those evildoers who are out to deceive. That's what Club Chaos can help us with.

Sign up for the mailing list and follow us on Facebook. Club Chaos Skull #15376 $59.95 CLUB CHAOS SKULL As you stare into the giant skull depicted on this Club Chaos Hoodie, you can take its significance one of two ways. Face it with fear in your hearts or accept the meaning of the skull as interpreted for thousands of years by learned scientists and scholars of the ages. Skulls signify good fortune and better days ahead.

Choose how you see your life unfolding. Do see life as half way gone or is it positioned half way towards your life goals. Life still is full of good fortune if your choose the right path - and while you are on that journey, do it with a friend who will watch your back, as you will watch his. Don't end up on the wrong path and become a deadhead. Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Unrestrained Chaos #15380 $59.95 Unrestrained Chaos The masked image of our Club Chaos Skull lies in the shadows waiting for the opportunity to break the chains that hold the world captive.

Old Bones is quietly building and amassing an army of followers who have sworn to call attention to and free the world from its evil oppressors. Who are these enemies of the people? They are all around us. They are the bankers, politicians.

The greedy business executives, the extremists who use their various powers to increase their stranglehold and power at the expense of the people. Our Club Chaos Movement is a peaceful revolution of the people. Each distinctive Hoodie design carries with it our interpretation of the personal meaning we attach and the message we share with other Club Chaos members. Our web site includes a full explanation of each hoodie’s roots and basis. They are part and parcel of the evolving American experience, which in a colorful way expresses the true feelings of the average citizen and ranges from the deep paranoia of conspiracy theorists to other areas of deep concern and unexplained circumstances. Those concerns include issues such as One World Government, assassinations, manipulation, our suspect banking system as well as a complete checklist of the many points of dissatisfaction with the world as it stands today.

The message is spread through this very unique Club Chaos Clothing line of Streetwear, which by its over-the-top dramatic colors, wild designs and inspiring, intense graphic messages broadcasts to the world your concerns. It’s high time this generation expressed itself and proved it is more than a generation of disinterested zombies and game players. This is a line of streetwear for those bold enough to express and share their concerns and opinions on the clothes they wear.

It takes guts to wear a Club Chaos Hoodie. Are you bold enough? Choose your cause and wear it proudly. Help Club Chaos break the chains that have bound us to our oppressors. Join Club Chaos and keep informed. Club Chaos Brotherhood #15382 $59.95 Sold Out Club Chaos Brotherhood Hoodie When you wear this hoodie, you proclaim yourself to be a member of the elite Club Chaos Brotherhood, who has sworn to alert the world to the dangers of the many power mongers who try to control us.

To those forces, Club Chaos is the enemy. As public awareness of our club grows, so too does our ability to inform and influence the minds of others.

The startling imagery of the line serves to call attention to our cause. When you wear your hoodie people will stop to inquire about its meaning and give you an opportunity to express your point of view about your concerns. But, even if you choose not to express a point of view, you will own a piece of clothing that will certainly turn heads and draw attention to you because of the artistry and imagination of the Ken Miller Design Studio, the trend setting fashion designer responsible for this never before seen attempt to create public awareness by way of street fashion.

Sign up and join Club Chaos Brotherhood. Our blog will keep you in touch with topics that you can relate to and enjoy. The Hoodie Line will continue to expand into a kaleidoscope of pertinent mind expanding graphics and subliminal messages and imagery.

If you are into subtle, you are at the wrong site. Club Chaos Hoodies are anything but. Spend time on our website and look over the descriptive and thought provoking stories behind each unique hoodie. Are you man or woman enough to wear Club Chaos?

Not everyone is. Available soon on our website. Be the first in your town to wear the Club Chaos Brotherhood Hoodie. There is something good about being bad. We are Streetwear, with a cause.

Order Toll Free 800-650-9030 Sweet Poison #15386 $59.95 SWEET POISON A white powdery substance that has a generation of Americans hopelessly hooked in a sneaky subtle way. It’s easy to obtain without sneaking around dark street corners. It is everywhere and threatens a huge number of us. You guessed right if you guessed - sugar. If you were thinking heroin, we gotcha. But our obese fat ass society is hopelessly addicted to this common substance.

Mothers unwittingly administer the first doses of sugar to babies, then watch as they grow bigger, fatter and fatter and fatter and watch their health deteriorate every year as the sugar sets off a chain reaction of deadly illnesses that threaten our entire population. Ahh such sweet poison.

Club Chaos has taken on the task of warning people about the dangers of this sweet poison with the creation of this ornately decorated, enticingly beautiful hoodie. When people stop you on the street wearing this hoodie and ask you what it all means, tell them the story of sweet poison and Club Chaos.

Shu-sha shu-sha sugar man! This preceeding has been a public service announcement from Club Chaos. Deadly Sins #15388 $59.95 XX-Large Sold Out DEADLY SINS This is a new addition to the growing Club Chaos Lineup This superbly decorated item. For lack of a better description, it can be described as a hoodie without a hood, or a hoodless hoodie or better still a shirt that has no relation at all to hoodies, which will probably indicate that it should be classified as a sweatshirt with little in common with a hoodie, except for the sleeves, which are common to both sweatshirts and hoodies. To further complicate the issue, at least for the men, is that the?????

Has what appears to have extra space near the top front of the shirt for appurtenances that are common to females of the species, which would make it a woman’s sweatshirt with little relevance at all to the colorful hoodies from Club Chaos. That details further indicate that the CCC line will soon announce a series of female sweatshirts or hoodless hoodies that are bound to be as dramatic as the hoodies that have been introduced as parts of the line of alternative clothing styles for men - and now for women as well. No one tells me anything.

This article of clothing has a pattern name:Deadly Sins, but just what it is, remains unnamed. It has images of a vicious skull character on the back side while the front view shows the friendly smiling skull face of yet another skull. Whatever it is, look for more information on it before kickoff in Late November. Retailers Wanted.

Interested parties can apply here through April 30. Those selected will be invited to a members-only website where they will participate in projects surrounding ' business. According to a press release, members will 'make real decisions on real projects that will follow.'

The initiative has the feel of a highly selective focus group, with those involved getting to participate on a more in-depth level and the brand getting to source its (presumably) cool-kid ideas. 'We believe that consumer aspirations have shifted. The goal has evolved beyond being the fastest runner or being a celebrity. Young people want their own brands, their own voice, and their own businesses. K-Swiss is committed to outfitting and inspiring this generation of entrepreneurs,' said chief marketing officer Barney Waters of the decision to launch the program.