Raspberry Pi Serial Port Uartsy


There are plenty of Raspberry Pi arcade builds out there, but rarely do we come across something as sleek as. The build combines everything you’d expect from other RasPi arcade projects, but manages to pack everything into the form factor of a portable stick modeled on the Neo Geo 4’s button layout. It may not be as small as, but it definitely delivers a more authentic arcade experience. Jochen had previously developed an add-on PCB for the Pi called, which simplifies connections from the RasPi’s GPIOs by providing a JAMMA interface for the controller(s). The Pi and the PiJamma sit inside a custom-made acrylic enclosure and hook up to the buttons and joystick above. Rather than try to fit the Pi directly against a side panel for access to the various outputs, Jochen rerouted the USB, HDMI, and headphone jacks and arranged them into a tidy row on the back side of the box. The top piece of the enclosure consists of a sheet of aluminum wrapped in custom artwork, with an additional sheet of acrylic on top for protection.

Jochen also modified each of the arcade buttons to include LEDs that illuminate the buttons’ acrylic holder, and the case itself appears to have been cut into slats on each side to provide better ventilation. Check out his project blog for further details and for a huge gallery of progress photos, then see a quick video of the RasPi Arcade Stick after the break. Posted in Tagged,.

From all the BSDs and Linuxes to extraordinarily odd operating systems, it seems just about every OS has been ported to the Raspberry Pi. All except Windows, that is, but. This build comes to us from ideeman who wanted to show off his Raspi running Windows Compact Embedded.

Raspberry Pi Serial Output

It technically works, but there are still a few problems. In his own words: Unfortunately, as it is now, I can’t really control it through anything else than via the kernel transport layer (through serial, directly to visual studio, and I still get lots of checksum errors, must me from the cheapo USBTTL 3.3V adapter I’m using). The original developer (dboling) is still struggling with native USB drivers, but as you can see, he already got a (unaccelerated) running display driver. If you’re interested, I can send you the compiled kernel image, but I don’t think you’ll do really much without the serial debugging provided through Visual Studio 2008 (+Platform builder 7.0) I’m not sure it can be legally released to the public though. While running Windows Compact Embedded isn’t as cool as running Windows RT on a Raspi, the latter will never happen. Windows RT requires 1 GB of RAM and a 1 GHz ARM v7 processor, neither of which the Pi has.

Still, it’s a very impressive hack and with a few more devs on board, dboling and ideeman might end up with a truly functional system. Below are pics of ideeman’s Raspi running WinCE. For ideeman, feel free to link to a torrent in the comments.

Posted in, Tagged. Maurizio loves using his Amiga 500.

His classic piece of hardware has been serving him well for years, except for the floppy drive, which recently gave out on him. No problem for Maurizio, he just cracked his case open and added a. Maurizio didn’t want to make any permanent changes to his A500 case, and more importantly he wanted to use the Amiga’s original floppy drive interface. The latter placed some rather stringent timing requirements on his design. The interface hardware is relatively simple.

Most of the circuit is dedicated to level shifting from the 5v Amiga 500 to the 3.3V Raspberry Pi. A 74LS06 Hex inverter converts the signals to the open collector outputs the A500 requires. Maurizio powered his Raspberry Pi from the floppy power connector of the Amiga. His model A Raspberry Pi works fine, but a model B would pull a bit more power (700ma) than the Amiga floppy power supply is capable of providing (550ma).

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The user interface side of the equation is simple: Two buttons, one used to switch disks, and one to “Write to SD”. Live disk images are stored in the Raspberry Pi’s ram, so the user needs to hit the “Write to SD” button to store any changes to disk before swapping floppies. The software is perhaps the most interesting portion of this build. Maurizio is emulating a floppy drive in real-time – this means emulating in real time. Calls have to be made with a timing accuracy of 2 microseconds.

The Pi’s stock Linux Operating system was just not going to cut it. Maurizio coded his drive emulator, directly accessing the Arm Processor on the Raspberry Pi. This gave him access to the entire processor, and allowed him to meet the hard timing requirements of the floppy interface. Posted in Tagged,. Stephen Wolfram, possibly the only person on Earth who wants a second element named after him,. For those of you unfamiliar with Mathematica, it’s a piece of software that allows you to compute anything. Combined with the educational pedigree of the Raspberry Pi, Wolfram and the Pi foundation believe the use of computer-based math will change the way students are taught math.

Besides bringing a free version of Mathematica to the Raspberry Pi, Wolfram also announced the. It’s a programming language that keeps most of its libraries – for everything from audio processing, high level math, strings, graphs, networks, and even linguistic data – on the Internet. It sounds absurdly cool, and you can check out a preliminary version of the language over on the. While a free version of Mathematica is awesome, we’re really excited about the new Wolfram language.

If it were only an interactive version of, we’d be interested, but the ability to use this tool as a real programming language shows a lot of promise for some interesting applications. Posted in, Tagged. Dan has come up with a novel solution to the age old problem of.

He’s added a bar code scanner and a Raspberry Pi under a kitchen cabinet. He calls the system “Oscar”, though we don’t see any grouchiness in his trash can. When Dan runs out of a product, he simply throws it away. Just above his garbage and recycling bin is a low cost barcode scanner. Dan holds the item until the scanner reads, then sends it on it’s way to recycling or the landfill. The decoded bar code is processed by a Raspberry Pi also hiding under the cabinet.

Raspberry pi serial output

The Raspberry Pi sends the data tousing the Trello api. If a product isn’t recognized by Trello’s database, trello dispatches a text message to Dan’s phone. He can then add the product information via a web interface.

Gpio Port Raspberry Pi

We think the user interface is what’s great here. Once products are in the database, the only thing that has to be done day to day is pause for a moment before throwing a package away. Dan has all his, and has also created a for Oscar. via reddit.com Posted in Tagged,. If you’ve got a lot of spare parts lying around, you may be able to without too much trouble. We’ve already seen, but Jeremy tipped us off to Xiang Zhai’s version, which provides an in-depth guide to building one with a Raspberry Pi.

Xiang began by opening up two spare DVD writeable drives, salvaging not only their laser diodes but the stepper motors and their accompanying hardware, as well as a handful of small magnets near each diode. To assemble the laser, he sourced an inexpensive laser diode module from eBay and used a vise to push the diode into the head of the housing. With the laser snugly in place and the appropriate connecting wires soldered on, Xiang whipped up a laser driver circuit, which the Raspi will later control. Xiang worked out the stepper motors’ configuration by following Groover’s engraver build-(we )-attaching the plate that holds the material to be engraved onto one axis and the laser assembly to the other. Check out Xiang’s project blog for details explaining the h-bridge circuits as well as the Python code for the Raspi. As always, if you’re attempting any build involving a laser, please use all necessary precautions!

And if you need more information on using DVD burners for their diodes, check out Posted in, Tagged,. You can pretty much tell that this is an outstretched hand. But the only reason you have to look twice is because it is a still photo. When you see the video below it’s more than obvious what you’re looking at partly because the device is being used as an electronic mirror. In total there are 192 digits in the display. To make things easier, four-digit modules were used, although we still couldn’t resist showing you the well-organized nightmare that is the wiring scheme. Each module is driven by its own discrete Arduino (driving 28 LEDs as they’re apparently not connecting the decimal point).

All 48 Arduino boards receive commands from a Raspberry Pi which is running openFrameworks to generate the animations. Now of course the project was well under way before Peter discovered. But we’re glad that didn’t stop them from forging ahead and even building on the idea. They added a camera to the display’s frame which lets it mirror back whatever is in front of it.

What popped into our minds was. Posted in Tagged, Posts navigation.