And Install The Patch For Disney Magic Artist Studio Free

  1. And Install The Patch For Disney Magic Artist Studio Free Download

What is going on here?? The latest update make the game worst insted of make it better? I've been playing for a wile now, iam 107 level, i liked that you can play and have progress with out real money. For faster progress u could spent some money, wich i did, however now, i dont thing i want to play any more.

No more money from me, unless you fix it as it was before. Bring back the sops and the coins they was giving, low the prices at the mini games ect. And not only that, the graphics are worse since the last update. This game was sooo nice, if you dont fix it back, i will have to uninstall it.

What is going on here?? The latest update make the game worst insted of make it better? I've been playing for a wile now, iam 107 level, i liked that you can play and have progress with out real money.

For faster progress u could spent some money, wich i did, however now, i dont thing i want to play any more. No more money from me, unless you fix it as it was before.


Bring back the sops and the coins they was giving, low the prices at the mini games ect. And not only that, the graphics are worse since the last update. This game was sooo nice, if you dont fix it back, i will have to uninstall it. Well before this update I guess it was all fine. But now the shops are producing goods automatically and you can't CHOOSE which good they produce. So my progress is halted because the grape stand will only produce grapes and not grape JUICE.

I feel that this update was not very well thought out. If they were going to pull something like that they should have either changed the quest lines or made it clear in the update info that there's still a way to choose the good that the shop produces, because I haven't found anything helpful. December 6th, an update came out that slashed gem production for shops bought with our money. All gem shops, even ones bought months ago. When a community buys something to support developers, and then they make your good-faith purchase worth approximately -300% to -400% less of what you initially had, people start to wonder if they mean anything more than a number to a company.

Until this and other changes has been reverted, I cannot recommend this game to anyone making under $25 hourly and without a gambling addiction. What have you done?

Ponies no longer work in shops.but shops now produce way less bits. Mini games cost ridiculous amount of bits to play which take ages to collect because shops produce less. Can't play the new events as they are not showing and as they are time limited I wont get to participate. The game was fine as it was, you are making a good game unaccessable.

Change it from a free download to a paying game at least that way we you can stop ripping off the kids who do play. Have rated 1 star as that is all it is worth now. I think this game is 20% cooler than all other games. I've loved My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic scince 2011 when Season 1 began and I still love it.

Just one thing. It's really cool that you can get way more points in minigames, but I think it's a bit too much. One of the things I'm asked to do as a task is; Play the Apple Picking game with Perfect Pie - 0/4. I can, but what happens when I get her to five stars? I'll have t skip the task with gems, and I've been saving.

Please Gameloft, Can you make at least one of the balls/telescopes/apples have a score multiplier of at least 5 or under? If you do this, I will highly appreciative it! The latest Hearth's Warming Eve update was beneficial in some ways, but made the game worse in others. I like the idea of the stars = prizes, but not the really expensive minigame prices.

And Install The Patch For Disney Magic Artist Studio Free Download

Other than that, I think the game is awesome, and with a few tweaks, It would be the best game ever! Five stars if you do! The newest update is garbage. They jacked up the prices to play most mini-games exponentially, making it so players can't play them consistently.

This is but one of their new trash updates. Honestly I hate the changeling quests too, they're just starting 'tasks' and waiting for the clock to count down. If you're going to make a story arc at least make it partially interactive. I had some crappy ads popping up on my lock screen recently, super frustrating.

This was only remedied by uninstalling the mlp app. Pretty bad practice to have adware in your app. Side note, we see you still trying to increase the price of games. 1000 bits for one mini-game without a boost is ridiculous. Put it back to 100. Gameloft decided to update shops and have rendered paid gem shops nearly useless.

I will not be spending a single cent more on this game because they feel they can just bait and switch your purchases in an update. I didn't buy a shop that made 2 gems every 20 hours, I purchased a shop that made 2 gems every 6, do not change it to a wait more than 3 times as long for no discernable reason besides greed. This is an absolutely garbage way to treat people who have spent money on your game to support it. The update on Dec 6 absolutely sucks alot of things changed and not in a good way now you have pay 12,000 or 17,000 bits to play with the ponys to get more stars that's crazy and the shops changed and now I only get a few bits compared to what I used to get. I feel the update is make more people spend real money is the game which is a huge let down from the beginning. You should be able to buy gems with your bits.

Unrealistic prices in the game for everything. I really hope they fix these issues or I will be deleting the game even tho I'm on level 53. Playstation 2 emulator windows 7 64-bit free download.


About This Game In Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, gamers will play as Mickey Mouse and for the first time ever, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney’s first cartoon star, in an all-new adventure of creativity and discovery. Created by industry luminary Warren Spector and Disney Interactive’s Junction Point game development studio, Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two returns the franchise through PC.

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two returns Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to Wasteland, an alternate world filled with 80 years of forgotten Disney characters and theme park attractions. But for the first time, Mickey and Oswald will join forces as true partners – Mickey with his magical paint brush that wields paint and thinner, and Oswald with his powerful remote control that allows him to command electricity. This new co-op play combined with enhanced in-game physics will further enhance the idea that “PlayStyle Matters” – a unique approach to gameplay pioneered by Warren Spector where players dynamically tackle different challenges in order to explore all possibilities and storylines, but with consequences for their chosen actions.