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We have made a new Enemy Territory modification called silEnT. Our goals with the mod are high quality, high performance and high configurability for both, the server and the client side. Some of the features we have made:. Fixed many small bugs that effected to the gameplay.

Etpro Ruleset


These include fixing the sniper zoom exploit and pmovefixed bug. We made efforts to simplify and optimise bullet traces and we have managed to make the traces both reliable and the hitboxes to follow the player animations.

We added most feature rich player database and offline player handling that we know exists. We added new weapons PPSh and Tripmines with carefull consideration that they will not alter the game flow that the Enemy Territory is known of. Admins can also easily configure these weapons for their servers. We made lots of code optimisations in many places.

We rewrote big part of the data transmissions between the server and client and this way gained big performance improvement in bandwidth usage and also the game runs more smoothly. We made easy 4 step quick install for admins. We removed many exploitable cvars including cgnoDamageKick.

We made the mod very small in download size. In short, the mod is feature rich high quality Enemy Territory game. Admins can configure their servers to use only original Enemy Territory weapons or select the new weapons by their own choices. The feature rich player database allows easy way to search and handle even offline players. We improved the game performance in most areas including bandwidth and CPU usage. We made easy 4 step installation for the server admins. Small download size ensures that nobody gets tired while downloading the mod from your server.

Wanna see it in action? Visit (connect to) silEnT server: Wanna download the mod or join our community?

SilEnT mod version 0.9.0 is out! Change log: Version 0.9.0 Added: Server customizable menu that is opened in addition to the silEnT mod menu. Added: Possibility for admins to modify the loading screen of their server. As opposed to modifying the loading screen of every server.

Added: New client command memreport. This command prints diagnostics of the client memory pooling. Added: New client cvars: cgnumPopups, cgpopupStayTime and cgpopupFadeTime for controlling popup behaviour. Added: Server checks the setup and refuses to start if problems are found. This includes checks that official menus are not modified. Added: New option gforceLimboHealth 2, which matches the ETPro gib damage (125).The option 1 remains as the original ETPub gib health (150).

Added: Rate setting is incresed automatically step by step if fragmented snapshots are received from the server. This improves the playability and removes the need to force this setting to players. Added: Server extension modules. With this technology, server functionality can be expanded to various tasks without bloating the qagame library or forcing every admin to use same extension. Added: Statistics module. This module collects various game play data into a relational database. Current choices are SQLit3 and PostgreSQL.

Added: Censor module. This module can be configured to censor names and chat with real regular expressions. Added: new fun wars:!knifewar,!stenwar,!riflenadewar,!rifleshootwar,!pistolwar (added gheadshot bitmask value 4 to control instagib of headshot for pistolwar). Added: New server cvar: gincognitoCountryFlag to control the country flag displayed for the incognito admin. Added: If gdmg is set server side, body hitsounds have different volumes depending of the damage.

This can be disabled by the players. Added: Forcing some cvars is now restricted. These include the client side hitsound selection and theme. Added: Player screenshots. Now admins can take player screenshots which works same as PB screenshots.

2.6b clients supported. Screenshot will have Server name, IP, Player Name, silEnT GUID, PB GUID and Player IP in it. Fixed: GQueryClientCvar/etCvarValue can no longer be used to query rcon password.

Fixed: In silEnT AC a part of the Anti-Cheat was not compiled into the mod in version 0.8.2. This resulted some previously known cheats to not getting detected. Fixed: The arm hit detection was not working correctly from the side shots.


Fixed by adding additional temporary box for the torso. Fixed:!rename admin command doesn't allow adding backslashes to names anymore. Fixed: svcvar OUT handling. Fixed: Objective carry icon counting spectators too. Fixed: Crashes related to UIAlloc running out of memory. It does not run out of memory. Fixed: Ties on highest fragger are solved by comparing kill/death difference.

Less deaths will win. Fixed: When grealbody was set to 1. With certain crouch animations the middle box was not high enough to cover shoulders. Fixed: Ties on the most headshots are solved by comparing the amount of shots fired to reach the amount. The player with less shots fired will win. Fixed: etUpgradeSkill Lua hook was passing invalid client numbers to scripts.

Fixed: Allied hand grenades erroneously recorded kills as axis hand grenades. This change should be noted by all log parsers that parse MOD values from kills. Fixed: gheadshot bitmask value 2.

It used to apply the ginstagibDamage to every hit. Fixed to apply the damage to only headshots. Fixed: tripmine palcement bug leading to exploit (thanks to Beck for the report). Fixed: theme bug regarding small titled windows. Fixed: report bug official menu had bad background definition (with widescreen). Fixed: The gweapons flag 32768 was treated as always enabled if any of the gweapons flags was set.

Fixed: Missing ETPro icon from the SD credits menu. Fixed: Non-literal characters not allowed in names anymore. Fixed: Omni-bot + tripmine crash when the map script is missing 'scriptmultiplayer'. Removed: uiautoredirect client cvar. This is used to hack player games. Redirecting still works, but players are presented a choice in a popup.

Improved: rifle war nade shooting is not influenced by the charge bar anymore. Improved: Menus cleaned. All options can be found under the Options button.

Changed: silEnT mod uses now LUA 5.3. SilEnT mod team. Enemy Territory: Legacy A second breath of life for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Website:. Downloads:. Wiki/FAQ:. Forums:. Development (bug reports and feature requests):.

Repository:. Assets Repository:. Legacy Lua API:. Translation:. Contact: on and on INTRODUCTION Enemy Territory: Legacy is based on the project which in turn is based on the of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The main goals of the project are fixing bugs, cleaning up the codebase and adding useful features while remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version. The Legacy mod is the default mod shipped with ET: Legacy.

It aims to add many useful features and improvements, while staying close to the original gameplay, as well as being lightweight and extensible through Lua scripts. For more information consult our. ET: Legacy development is a collaborative effort done in an open, transparent and friendly manner. Anyone is welcome to join our efforts!

Donations By request, we have finally managed to create a PayPal account for donations. So if you like the ET: Legacy project or our game server, don't hesitate to send us some cash at Paypal: Your contribution will be used to pay for our server and domain. To clarify, the project is not dependant on donations.

But we don't reject them if you want to honor our work. GENERAL NOTES Game data Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free release, and can be downloaded from. This source release contains only the engine and mod code but not any game data, which is still covered by the original EULA and must be obeyed as usual. In order to run ET: Legacy you will need to copy the original assets files ( pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3 and pak2.pk3) to the etmain folder. Compatibility with Enemy Territory 2.60b ET: Legacy remains compatible with the ET 2.60b version as much as possible. Please note that ET: Legacy is not compatible with PunkBuster enabled servers. ET: Legacy clients also cannot connect to servers running the ETPro mod.

Linux 64 bit Please remember that 64 bit ET: Legacy clients can only connect to servers running mods providing a 64 bit version. You will be able to play 32 bit-only mods only if you compile ET: Legacy on a 32 bit system or crosscompile it for 32 bit architecture on a 64 bit system. At the moment, only the Legacy mod is available in 64 bit version, while all other existing mods are available in 32 bit only version. In case you are a running a 64 bit system, you probably might want to use the bundled libraries which are located in a separate etlegacy-libs repository and can be automatically downloaded using the git submodule command. See the next section for more details.