Amiga Workbench 3 1 Adf Software


Amiga software is computer software engineered to run on the personal computer. Amiga software covers many applications, including productivity, commercial, freeware and hobbyist products. The market was active in the late 1980s and early 1990s but then dwindled. Most Amiga products were originally created directly for the Amiga computer (most taking advantage of the platform's unique attributes and capabilities), and were not ported from other platforms. During its lifetime, thousands of applications were produced with over 10,000 utilities (collected into the repository).

However, it was perceived as a games machine from outside its community of experienced and professional users. More than 12,000 games were available. New applications for the three existing Amiga-like operating systems are generally ported from the open source (mainly from ) software base.

Many Amiga software products or noteworthy programs during the timeline were ported to other platforms or inspired new programs, such as those aimed at 3D rendering or audio creations, e.g., and (whose development started for the Amiga platform only). The first multimedia word processors for Amiga, such as TextCraft, Scribble!, and Wordworth, were the first on the market to implement full color (with other platforms then only implementing black-and-white previews) and allowing the embedding of audio files. History and characteristics From the origins to 1988 1985 Amiga software started its history with the 1985. Released the programming specifications and development computers to various software houses, prominently, a software house that then offered, and others. Electronic Arts also developed the (IFF) file container, to store project files realized by Deluxe Paint and Deluxe Music.

IFF became the de facto standard in AmigaOS. The first to be shown were digitizer software ProPaint (in early beta). Both were used by to produce a black-and-white photo of at the Launch Gala at, New York City in July 1985. In 1985 Commodore licensed the software called Transformer from Simile Research and put it on the market in January 1986, bundled with an external A1020 5.25-inch. It emulated 8086 -based hardware. It could run and MS-DOS software such as. This provided early access to many applications, while waiting for native Amiga software to be developed.

In 1985, Deluxe Paint emerged with graphic features that had been available only on dedicated graphic computers. It was dubbed the first Amiga '.

1986 In 1986 (the year of the launch of ) Amiga software products contributed to the Amiga's success as a game and multimedia machine. From, VizaWrite, TextCraft (word processors), Pagesetter (Desktop Publishing), Analyze!

(Spreadsheet), (Database), MovieCraft (animation), Deluxe paint II, Deluxe Music, (a composition music program for non musicians) from Electronic Arts, and GraphiCraft again from Commodore were released. GraphiCraft was used by computer artist to produce Amiga software such as and from and the Amiga porting of. Graphicraft was a predecessor of Aegis Images and AEGIS Animator, one of the first programs worldwide capable to create animation videos and cartoons complete with audio stereo, featuring a working paradigm interface and outputting files based on compression method which then were the lead for creating the file type standard. Byte-by-Byte Software Inc. Released Sculpt-3D. It was the first rendering tool available for the first time to a vast audience of public, and in October of the same year, Impulse released. 1987 In 1987 the Amiga 500 (A500) was released.

The Amiga software market moved in favor of entertainment over professional software. Maxiplan 500 (spreadsheet), Aegis Sonix and ProWrite, a music program similar to Instant Music, were produced.

In July, created an 'Amiga/ Division' and started selling a version of its word processor for the Commodore platform for US$400. It could load and save Wordperfect files created on any platform, such as IBM, Macintosh and Apple II. Wordperfect 4.1 for the Amiga was the first word processor in the world capable of opening an unlimited number of documents (limited by RAM), each in a separate window.

In 1987, released, a free version of with complete source code. At showed for the first time a prototype of and Impulse released TurboSilver 2.0. 1988 In 1988, was released. It allowed digital painting using graphics mode and the full 4096-color palette of Amiga on a single screen. Maxiplan 500 become Maxiplan 1.x, Electronic Arts showed DeLuxe Photo Lab (photo editing software), Newtek demonstrated DigiView 3.0 hardware and software image digitizing suite, and WordPerfect released the WordPerfect Library for the Amiga.

At the summer (CES), the Pro Draw graphic tablet with mouse emulation software was also announced, as well as Flash-Back and Quarterback hard drive backup software. Superbase Personal became Superbase Professional, Micro Illusions started shipping Music-X audio software for the Amiga, and released its preprocessor for the Amiga.

Ubiquitous text editor, one of the most versatile text editors and best seller on Amiga since then, was also released this year. It was one of the first Amiga programs featuring an port. Released ComicSetter (comic creation) and MovieSetter (32-color cartoons with stereo sound animation software). In November, at the Show, ReadySoft demonstrated its Amax Macintosh emulator for the Amiga. 1989–1994 In 1989, was first launched.

In 1990, AmigaDOS 2.0 was released. The interface of the Workbench GUI was changed to a fake 3D aspect using gray shades. For the first time, Commodore introduced a style guide for developers on AmigaOS; because of this, the majority of Amiga software developed for AmigaDOS 2.0 had a standardized GUI that improved usability.

Programs such as, ImageFX, and continued using non-standard GUIs. AmigaVision was released and bundled free with any model of. Directory Master, Directory Opus, TurboCalc, Photogenics, ImageFX, PC Task, Photogenics, Caligari, Final Calc, and all belong to this period. 1994 to today After 1994, Commodore's demise left Amiga to an uncertain future.

Windows-based PCs became the standard in the home and the office. Many software houses either left the Amiga market or ran into financial troubles.

In 1996, was created. Aminet was the first centralized Internet repository of all Amiga public domain software and documents. It was the first Internet experiment of a centralized created and maintained by one community for the community itself.

Amiga's browsers like, and were enhanced. Voyager was the first browser to adopt. Mailers like are still used. In productivity software, programs like Candy Factory for image processing were still being developed, for vfx and animation programs like by Andreas Maschke (ported by author to Java later). Other prominent graphic software include fxPAINT by IOSpirit, fxSCAN for OCR and scanning by IOSpirit, and SketchBlock painting program by Andy Broad for AmigaOS 4.x. Last but not least Tornado3D raytracing program by the Italian company Eyelight. Usability Amiga software presents a complete graphical interface, following Amiga 'desktop paradigm' and native AmigaOS interface guidelines; that is to say, the software is mouse-driven and presents also pull-down 'menus' and 'dialogue windows'.

AmigaOS maintained a text-based shell allowing software to present a text-based GUI, or a 'command line'. Cataloging The main software categories are. Productivity software (also called );.


Support and maintenance utilities for formatting hard disks, recover or backup data, etc.;. software (graphic, video, music);. (including the software for dealing with and any other net);. for developing products and applications;. other utilities that enhance the ease of use in any Operating System (for example ); Accessibility;; software that allows a computer to run software written for another architecture.

Productivity software. Main article: Music software includes sound design; audio synthesis; music; audio digitizing and sampling; hard disk recording; speech synthesis; audio trackers; MOD music module filetype. Programs to access the Web are mostly available for newer Amiga platforms.

Amiga TCP/IP: AmiTCP, EasyNet, Genesis, Miami and Miami Deluxe, Roadshow for, MosNet and NetStack for MorphOS (both based on AmiTCP). Amiga AMP:, //. Movie players: DvPlayer by A-EON Technology (for AmigaOS 4.x), Frogger Player, MooVID player, SoftCinema, AmiDogMoviePlayer, MysticView, (for MorphOS). Media Center: AMC a multiplatform multimedia center realized with Amiga Hollywood piloting mPlayer.

Internet Radio: TuneNet by A-EON Technology, AmigaAMP and AmiAMP (similar to ),. Music: Kaya Player, Hippo Player, PlayOGG, HivelyPlay, Play16. Special players and music modules players: Module player, ADPlay for modules. players:, DG Midi Player.

Image viewers: Multiview, Showgirls, SView5, MiniShowPicture, PicShow, SimpleView. Image cataloguers: PhotoAlbum. Flash SWF file editing: Open Source set of flash.swf files utilities.

Flash SWF file playing: simple basic for MorphOS, for AmigaOS 4.1, (integrated as for for MorphOS). Encoding video:, Mpeg2Enc, Mpeg2vidcodec,. Encoding audio:,.

PowerPoint '.PPT' files: PointRider. '.PDF' files: APDF. Digital cameras: for photocameras, IOSUB Digicam Package, VHI Studio from. TV cards players: Amithlon TV, Visionary, AmiTV and that is an evolution of Amihlon TV.

Java: It exists only old versions of, from Geek Gadgets project. It worked under graphical engine but without, or with very pre-release alpha versions of abstraction windows toolkits. Other ports such as AmJay, MOca and Merapi were dismissed before reaching a working status. Actually there is and being developed. Drivers for multimedia devices and special input functions.

Multimedia keyboards. Hand-writing recognition. Meridian is a program that performs input functions using a like those equipping any, emulating the stylus by mouse. Accessibility software. Jakeboard input software and hardware emulation keyboard and mouse was used by persons with physical limitations and/or problems of movements. Software and hardware schemes are downloadable at BlackBeltSystems Amiga Software page. Talkboard similar to jakeboard, is a downloadable speech-generation system for persons.

Optical media Alternative filesystems included AsimCDFS, AmiCDROM, CDVDFS, Allegro CDFS and CacheCDFS. BurnIt!, Frying Pan, MakeCD, AmiDVD, DVDRecord, DVDAuthor could burn CDs, and/or Blu-ray media. MakeCD was the first Amiga program to support (DAO). Frying Pan was the first Amiga program capable to create DVDs. Frying Pan and BurnIt! Are capable to handle DVD.

BlueHD from German programmer Carsten Siegner is a MorphOS program capable of authoring and burning HD-DVDs in these formats:. Normal Video-DVD (European ). HD-Video-DVD (-/) (that are recognized by some ). HD-Video-DVD HDTV Disk images and ISO files management. ISO-o-Matic software is a CD image converting software and supports b5i, (normal/), , , pdi and. ISOMount mounts CD ISOs, PC floppy disk images and Amiga disk images.

It supports: Amiga (ADF) 880 KB either OFS and FFS, MS-DOS (IMG) from 360 KB up to 2.88 MB (Fat12), Atari ST 800 KB (Fat12), MAC GS (file image of Mac has no extensions) 800 KB (MFM encoded), CD (ISO) – every size, including floppy-specific. MountVirtual and DiskImage programs for AmigaOS and MorphOS that mount CD ISO images as standard Amiga devices. Supports CD ISO images and disk images such as ADF, DMS, IFS.

MountVirtual requires DiskImage. VirtualCD uses ISOs and CD images as virtual drives. and Amkisofs are ports of MaKeISOFileSystem.

(A complete list of ISO managements and converters is available on Aminet.) Utilities AmiDock creates on the desktop. It became popular in 1989–1990, due to the computer, that used the same processor as ) and that it also had the docking station utility. In Great Britain, Archimedes computers were adopted in schools. Young Amiga users (there were 1,500,000 Amigas sold in the United Kingdom) spotted docks on Archimedes at school and asked for it on Amiga also.

Various launch bars or docking utilities were born as third-party hobby utilities (many examples of early docking software for Amiga like the ToolManager are still hosted in the repository of all Amiga free software, in the 'Utility' directory) and then Amidock was officially integrated in AmigaOS with version 3.9. Was a file utility program. When this software was released, Amiga magazines proclaimed that it was the most important software ever released for the Amiga and 'should be built into the operating system'. Trend micro maximum security 2014 keygen. Directory Opus went on to create a 'replacement OS' for Workbench which overlaid itself upon the system. It started as a file manager, and then became a complete desktop replacement and an alternative to the official Workbench. The utility was later ported to Windows and remains widely used.

HyperCache was the first commercial disk caching software. Significant in that the base operating system lacked this ability, the addition of caching significantly improved the performance of both floppy and hard discs.

SysSpeed was a shareware for Amigas equipped with and CPUs. Much shareware and free software was written for the Amiga and could be obtained via the disk series or from the Aminet software archive. Because the custom chipset shares RAM (and therefore the memory bus) with the CPU, throughput increases measurably if the display is disabled. Some processor-intensive software, such as 3D renderers, disable the display during calculation to gain speed.

Main article: Notable emulators included: Commercial Medusa ( emulator), Fusion ( Emulator), AMax and AMax II, (Macintosh), GO64 (first Commodore emulator), Transformer and PCTask (it was an 8088 emulator, all software based, capable to emulate Intel PC based platforms ranging from 4,7 and 7 MHz on, up to running at 12 MHz on and other accelerated Amigas), (C64), Amiga BBC Emulator ( emulator) Freeware Atari ST Emulator (AtariST), Hatari (Atari ST and STE), (Macintosh) classic, Frodo (C64), PSXE (Sony ), (, ), FunnyMu (, ), AmiArcadia ( and, TVGC). Emulator is modular and emulates all machines made by Commodore: C64 (a patch of VICE supports ), including (but excluding 'non-standard' features of SuperPET 9000), and. Main article: The Amiga was a focal point for the '.

The Amiga thrived on, and other not-for-profit development. The demo scene spearheaded development in multimedia programming techniques for the Amiga, such that it was de rigueur for the latest visual tricks, soundtrackers and 3D algorithms from the demo scene to end up being used in computer game development. Piracy Because Amiga was one of the first game-oriented computers to feature a built-in floppy disk drive, it simplified. Many of the arguments pertaining to software copying, rights in software, the by the early 1990s. It was not unusual for demo groups to be openly involved in software piracy. Anti-piracy measures included the practice of distributing software on disks that contained secret 'keys' on high-numbered tracks that were officially unused. The Amiga disk drive officially supported tracks 0–79 from a double-density disk, but could actually read tracks 80 through 82.

Standard disk-imaging software ignored these tracks, so that a duplicate of a boxed disk would not contain the key and the software would not work. A similar technique involved writing to normally-unused sectors of the disk.

Copy software called 'nibble' copiers appeared that could exactly reproduce such disks. Publishers turned to other methods. Were occasionally used for high-end software. AmigaHASP protected and was sold by HarmonySoft to Aladdin Systems. Some software manufacturers asked users to type a word from a particular page number and line number of the manual, meaning that successfully copying software included a large quantity of text. Sometimes the text was designed so that photocopiers would produce illegible copies, meaning that pirates had to manually add the text. Pirates responded with ' software that altered the code to bypass copy protection completely.

Every protection scheme was eventually broken. One near exception was the scheme on, which became the 'holy grail' of crackers worldwide, but it was also broken. A single frame of a typical decrunching screen The Amiga's allowed 880 kilobytes on a single disk, comparable to the RAM of most Amigas (512 kilobytes to 1 megabyte). To increase capacity, Amiga used. The disk drive had a slow transfer rate, such that using processor-based decompression could actually reduce loading times versus loading uncompressed data.

Early implementations wrote to a video display register, causing it to break into multiple segments of colorful noise, which would become finer as the decrunching continued. This effect was and very easy to implement, so it stuck; it was pioneered on the.

Retrieved April 6, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016.

Matthias Muench. Retrieved April 6, 2016. July 21, 2013, at the. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016.

Retrieved April 6, 2016. May 23, 2011, at the. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016.

Retrieved April 6, 2016. Scott Lee.

Jason Scott for Magazine. Retrieved April 6, 2016.

Retrieved April 6, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016., Retrieved April 6, 2016. Matthews, Dave (August 1997). References.,. download section reports that this program supports actually 1991 games (and it is far from creating a complete list of all Amiga games).

(a program that adds interface to Amiga emulator) reports in its statistics window section 3453 known Amiga games. reported in January 2009 a list of 13,528 known Amiga games, as divided in 12,416 original games, 953 games extensions or data disks for original games, 125 level editors or game editors for existing games, 34 loaders to let Amiga run some games created on other platforms.: A history of the Amiga, part 4: Enter Commodore, By Jeremy Reimer. October 21, 2007.

Existing Amiga-like operating system are, and. article page at online site. in March 2009, from Amiga Polish Portal.

on site of SereneScreen Aquarium screensaver program. on Magazine, issue 88, September 1987. at on Magazine, issue 30, January 21, 1987, page 34 (retrieved from at Cunningham & Cunningham Inc., object-oriented programming consultancy firm based in, USA, members of User Group External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to., the biggest repository of all for the Amiga platform., lists almost all of the known commercial Amiga software, books and CD-ROMs, most of them with cover scans.

On the next screen, if you speak more than one language, you can select which languages you want to Install. When happy click the ‘Proceed’ button. Next screen will ask you what type of printer you have.

If it’s on the list select it and click the ‘Proceed’ button. Next screen will ask which keymaps to install. Select British and American (if you live in one of the places listed then also select that one) and then click the ‘Proceed’ button. When this screen shows press F12 on you keyboard. Now on floppies/disk drives Properties select the ‘.’ button on the DF1: slot and select your Workbench adf (if TOSEC named it could be called ‘ Workbench 3.1 (40.42) - Boot (Commodore) (1994) m2’). Click Open and then the OK/Start button to return back to emulation. When you see the Workbench icon show on the screen it should continue automatically.

If it does not continue automatically then Click the ‘Proceed’ button. When asked to insert Amiga Locale hit F12 on you keyboard, on the floppies click Eject button on the DF1: slot and select the Locale disk (if TOSEC named it could be called ‘ Workbench 3.1 (40.42) - Locale (Commodore) (1994) m2’) using the ‘.’ button.

Click Open and then the OK/Start button to return back to emulation. Wait a few seconds.

Amiga Workbench 3.1 Download

Click ‘Proceed’ button if it does not continue automatically. When asked to insert Amiga Extras hit F12 on you keyboard again, on the floppies click Eject button on the DF1: slot and select the Extras disk (if TOSEC named it could be called ‘ Workbench 3.1 (40.42) - Extras (Commodore) (1994) m2’) using the ‘.’ button.

Click Open and then the OK/Start button to return back to emulation. Wait a few seconds. Click ‘Proceed’ button if it does not continue automatically. When asked to insert Amiga Fonts, yes you guessed it, you hit F12 on you keyboard again, on the floppies click Eject button on the DF1: slot and select the Fonts disk (if TOSEC named it could be called ‘ Workbench 3.1 (40.42) - Fonts (Commodore) (1994) m2’) using the ‘.’ button. Click Open and then the OK/Start button to return back to emulation. Wait a few seconds. Click ‘Proceed’ button if it does not continue automatically.

When asked to insert Amiga Storage hit F12 on you keyboard again, on the floppies click Eject button on the DF1: slot and select the Extras disk (if TOSEC named it could be called ‘ Workbench 3.1 (40.42) - Storage (Commodore) (1994) m2’) using the ‘.’ button. Click Open and then the OK/Start button to return back to emulation. Wait a few seconds. Click ‘Proceed’ button if it does not continue automatically.

Amiga Adf Download

When the screen below shows, hit F12 and click both Eject buttons on the DF0: and DF1: slots. Click OK/Start button to return back to emulation.