De Dust2 Vmf Download Css Reference


Note:, and other newer games may not include any or all of these skyboxes. These skies are capable if mapping for games that support it. Note: Some maps might use the Half-Life 2 sky materials for mapping purposes only, but both games share same content. Note: The skyboxes listed here are only the ones that are actually used or have known parameters. These skyboxes are available to and mods utilizing its content.

Some of these skies are capable. These skyboxes are available to and mods utilizing its content. These skies are capable. Go to Map Properties and change 'SkyBox Texture Name' to whatever sky you want. An is also recommended. Skyblack Example Map Ideal Sun Angle Ideal Sun Pitch Ideal Brightness Ideal Ambience Ideal HDR Brightness Ideal HDR Ambience Ideal Sun Spread Angle mpcoopfan mpcoopflingcrushers mpcooplobby2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A skyblacknofog skywhite mpcoopcatapult2 0 280 0 -85 133 156 182 300 133 156 182 300 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 10 mpcoopcatapultwallintro 0 280 0 -89 255 247 217 100 255 247 217 250 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 skyfog skyl4dc4m1hdr These skyboxes are available to and mods utilizing its content. These skies are capable.

The values for the and the are listed below. However, this list is out dated and after the Wildfire update, using a lightdirectional will cause problematic shadows. GCFScape can be used to view the latest skies available. Note: Some maps have multiple entities.

If so, every light setting will be listed.

I've been working on this for a very long time and I think it's high time I share it. Unlike porting GoldSRC Engine (Half-Life, CS 1.6, etc) maps, porting maps from Source Engine maps is a lot harder and requires more skills.

I tried to make the hard part as easy as I can so hopefully it'll be an easy job for you guys to port maps from Source Engine maps. Note: Before starting, I would like to thank the guys at for the VMF parser. It saved lots of time for me You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them Another note: Unfortunately, I still haven't found a way to convert the terrain patches, so they'll be flat brushes when they are converted. Any help will be appreciated about that Requirements. A game built on Source Engine.

The tools listed below. Maya with Call of Duty export plugins and the knowledge of how to use them. A functional brain Before you start, you'll need to download the following tools.

BSPSource: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them (to decompile bsp files) Crafty: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them (to decompile models) VTFEdit: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them (to convert the textures) GCFSpace: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them (to extract the models and textures) NVidia DDS Converter: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them (to convert dds files) Johndoe's Tools: You are not allowed to view external links. Or to see them - Extracting the materials and models with GCFSpace In Source Engine, files like textures and models are stored in VPK files pretty much like Call of Duty's IWD files.

There are usually two directories in which the VPK files are stored on most of the games (l4d2 is not one of them for example). One of them is always hl2 and the other one is usually the game's name's abbreviation (hl2mp in my case). You'll need to open VPK files like gamenamepakdir.vpk, gamenamemiscdir.vpk, gamenametexturesdir.vpk, and extract the folders 'materials' and 'models' in the same folder. After you're done extracting the models and materials, you can copy or move the extracted folders in the game's directory (in my case steamdir/steamapps/common/Half-Life 2 Deathmatch/hl2mp/). Decompiling the bsp file with BSPSource Run BSPSrc, click 'Add', find the bsp file of the map you want to port and click 'Decompile'. I'm decompiling dmsteamlab from Half-Life 2 Deathmatch as an example. Converting the decompiled VMF file to a MAP file readable by Radiant Run Johndoe's Tools, go to Source2Cod - Map Converter, chose the VMF file you want to convert and hit 'Convert'.

After the app converts a VMF file, it creates three files. The file is obviously the converted map file, mapnametextures.json and mapnamemodels.json have information about models and textures which can be used by Johndoe's Tools to copy the assets later.

Copying the textures and models Go to Settings, set your game's directory. Go to Source2Cod - Texture/Model copier, select mapnametextures/mapnamemodels.json and hit 'Copy'. Decompiling the models with crafty Go to the directory 'copiedassets/mapname' and copy the directory 'models' in gamedir/models/ with a different name (gamedir/models/copiedmodels/ for example). Run Crafty, go to Setup - Options - Exporting and set texture extension to VTF and save it.

Go to Setup - Options - Directories and set your Steam directory and username. Go to Setup - Profiles and select the game.

Go to View - Model Browser If you set your Steam directory and game profile correct, then you'll see the copied models in root/models/copiedmodels. Find your copied models folder and expand it, right click every MDL file one by one and click 'Export' or just navigate among the models with arrow keys and press Ctrl + E to export the highlighted model.

Make sure you export the models with their respective names in the same folder. Exporting the models with Maya Create a file called resize.mel on your desktop, paste the following code in it and save it. Scale -r 2.54 2.54 2.54; makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0; polyColorPerVertex -r 1 -g 1 -b 1 -a 1 -cdo; Run maya, open a model, select the whole model, drag and drop the MEL file on it. When exported, models from Source Engine are 2.54 times smaller than they are supposed to be so what we're doing here right here is a quick fix for it. You can safely export the models with their respective names. Fixing material names of the models When you export a model with Crafty, it exports the textures like modelnamematerialx.

Even if there are models that shares some textures, there will be multiple copies of the same file over and over again which makes the map's size bigger and makes you closer to engine limits. To prevent this, copy the xmodelexport files in 'tobefixed/xmodelexport/' and the exported VTF files in 'tobefixed/vtf/'. Go to Source2Cod - Material Fixer, hit 'Start Fixing'. It will copy the fixed xmodelexport and VTF files in 'fixedmodels/xmodelexport/' and 'fixedmodels/vtf/'. When it's done, move the fixed xmodelexport files into 'Johndoe's Tools/xmodelexport/'. You must have an account to view the spoiler contents.

Please log in or create an account. Converting the textures with VTFEdit and NVidia DDS Converter Go to 'copiedassets/mapname/textures' and move the vtf files in a new folder, go to 'fixedmodel/vtf' and move the vtf files in the same folder.

Run VTFEdit, go to Tools - Convert Folder, set the the folder you just created as the input folder, create another folder and set it as the output folder. Set output type as TGA, convert the textures. Set the output type as PNG and convert them in a different output folder. Copy nvdxt.exe in the folder where you exported the tga files, create a.bat file and copy following code and paste it into it. Nvdxt.exe -file.tga -dxt5 -alpha Copy the recently created DDS files in the folder 'dds' in Johndoe's tools. Copy the PNG files in 'dds/thumbnails'. Go to GDT Generator - For Textures/For Models You can safely save the gdt file for xmodels.

However, you'll need to set the properties of every single texture by looking at their preview images. This part is self-explanatory, so I don't think you'll need screenshots for it. Converting the assets for Call of Duty Copy the GDT files from the folder 'gdt' and paste them in 'codroot/sourcedata/', the DDS files in 'codroot/raw/images/custom/', xmodelexport files in 'codroot/modelexport/custom/'.

If you want to do a quick conversion, you can copy the.bat files in 'Johndoe's Tools/gdt/' and paste them into 'codroot/bin/'. It always works on my computer when I run the.bat files as administrator, but for some reason, it doesn't work on computers of the people who tested it. Positivo mobile z85 drivers wireless windows 7. So you'll need to run cmd.exe as administrator (Press start, type cmd, run as administrator), type the following and press enter. For Call of Duty World at war Steam version. Cd '/Program Files (x86)/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/bin/' If you have it installed in another directory, you'll need to change it to your game's folder. After that, just type the name of the bat file (you should convert the textures before the models) and it should convert all of the materials one by one. If it doesn't work and gives errors, try converting them manually on asset manager and see the error yourself.

After you've done all of these, you can open the map (exported/ on Radiant to see if it worked and start working on it after fixing the texture alignments. Here's a screenshot of the map after the conversion. Note that the textures of the brushes need to be realigned since the way the texture alignment info is stored in both VMF and MAP format are different and I couldn't find a way to convert that yet. Also, the pink boxes are actually infodecals converted to scriptstructs as I couldn't find a way to make a port them directly. For now you can delete all of them.

Hopefully I will find a way to work some day. Another screenshot of a room from the same map with fixed textures. Screenshots of other ported maps. Csassault from Counter-Strike: Source (modified for the zombie mode) contact from Insurgency (modified for the zombie mode) I hope I made everything clear.

De Dust2 Vmf Download Css Reference

De Dust2

If you have any troubles with anything with this, feel free to ask. OK well any valid source to the legel thing would be appreciated, that would mean I don't have to find it. There are enough people out there who will mess around with this. Especially newcomers could find this interesting and thats why we will most likely add some rules to protect at least our site / forum and of course the mapper himself. Definitely, the original mapper has to agree, must know all the changes and where the map will be destributed. Idk about valve content in non-valve games / source engine - This is activision / treyarch / infinity ward so we need to check this.

I agree with this. Sure people can port over maps from source. A new take on some good old classic maps with zombies. Couldn't want more. I just don't want people to start pumping out the same map with little changes. Adding a few creates or barrels around and calling it there own.

Even though I dl every map that's released for waw it's different then most molding communitys. People seem to make there own ideas into reality. I just think Trem's right and it needs to be regulated so we don't see 15 of the same map with a crappy face lift.

But props to you for figuring this out!! Excited to give it a try. OK well any valid source to the legel thing would be appreciated, that would mean I don't have to find it. There are enough people out there who will mess around with this. Especially newcomers could find this interesting and thats why we will most likely add some rules to protect at least our site / forum and of course the mapper himself.

Definitely, the original mapper has to agree, must know all the changes and where the map will be destributed. Idk about valve content in non-valve games / source engine - This is activision / treyarch / infinity ward so we need to check this.