Ms Frontpage 2007 Torrent Download

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Hi to all, I´ve got problems with FP 2003 in Windows 7. They are compatibles?? In Start-All Programs browse to the frontPage icon Right Click, then i choose compatibility with Windows XP SP2 that is the option that FP choose for you and nothing works rigth. I prove with other compatibility options and nothing. I´ve got 2 virtual machines running in Windows 7- 32 bits. They have Office 2010 packet and Frontpage 2003. In one machine i could upload archives to frontpage but i can´t save that archive in FP in that moment, i must save it in another site and later upload at FP again.

That is a little problem comparing the problem that i have with the other machine. With the other machine when i try to upload any kind of archive to FP the error is 'the server was closed inexperately'.

Can anyone help me please?? I need help because i'm trying solving this problems many weeks and nothing changes. Thanks for all.

Download Microsoft Frontpage 2007